Feb 27, 2014

February Boot Camp Final Design

Lilla Rogers School

February is almost over and it has been so much fun.

Three weeks ago I was sharing with you the start of Lilla Rogers first assignment boot camp and after a lot of drawing, tweaking and colouring on the computer I would like to share the result with you and tell you a bit about my journey.

How it worked ?

Beginning of the first week we received a "mini assignment" to study the subject. In this case it was drawing cuckoo clocks while paying attention to details. Beginning of the second week we received the "main assignment" which was creating a phone case with the use of our sketches. And at the beginning of the third week Lilla was giving us some advice on colours and how to find colour trends. By the end of week three it was time to "let go" and upload the design to the MATS Assignment Bootcamp Gallery. I personally think the link should come with a health warning - so many gorgeous cuckoo phone cases...there is a tremendous talent midst all participants. Just wow...check it out over here !

I used the first week to really study all details of a cuckoo clock and had fun sketching them. After we received the main assignment I realized immediately that it will be challenging to show so many details on such small space of a phone case and on top of it a rectangle shape...so I did more sketches, this time within the shape of a phone case ( enlarged ) to get a feeling for the space I can use.
I liked my cuckoo clock but I was not feeling it really is "me". 

copyright©Pattern Jots by Maike Thoma 2014
Phone case available at Society 6

And looking at a lot of finished ( gorgeous ) cuckoo phone cases within our bootcamp FB group, I felt I need to incorporate my style more and finding an other solution to the brief. Researching Black Forrest cuckoo clocks I came across a lot of German folk paintings as well and I was really inspired by them. 

copyright©Pattern Jots by Maike Thoma 2014

I decided I want to create something more "folk" using my style. Finally I was pleased with my result - listening to my gut feeling. I completely went out of my comfort zone with the colours for my finished design "Cuckoo Folk" but I let it be. This is why I am taking part in the bootcamp - to push my boundaries and try something new.

copyright©Pattern Jots by Maike Thoma 2014
Final Design "Cuckoo Folk"

This week I am enjoying working on creating a collection around the cuckoo theme for my portfolio. Next week I will let you know about the new bootcamp assignment for March.

Happy Thursday !

Feb 20, 2014

What Makes Me Happy - EFUTO

A lot of things make me happy especially if it has to do with colours, paper, drawing, art, etc...I decided to make a post about Efutos today. What is an Efuto ? Efuto is the name of a Japanese picture envelope ( E = picture and FUTO = envelope ). Loving snail mail it is a fabulous way to send some love with a handcrafted envelope. Last year I have been part of an Efuto Drive and it has been so much fun making and receiving those letters.
Here you can see some examples I sent around the world to lovely friends.

copyright©Pattern Jots by Maike Thoma 2013

copyright©Pattern Jots by Maike Thoma 2013

copyright©Pattern Jots by Maike Thoma 2013

And I also received two EFUTOs...this one came all the way from Singapore to me.

copyright©Sylvia Tay Design 2013
Efuto from Sylvia Tay Design

And this one came from the UK.

copyright©onneke 2012
Efuto from Onneke

Maybe you feel inspired by this post and you start to make an Efuto as well to send it to a good friend. I can reassure you, the recipient will be very happy to receive a beautiful letter.
If you would like to find out more about Efutos, just google it and there will be lots to see.

Happy Thursday !

Feb 13, 2014

Happy Valentine's Day

Happy Thursday everyone ! 
This one will be a short blog post today...I am working hard on the "MATS Bootcamp" as well as on other things. 
Today I received already a lovely bouquet of red roses for Valentine's from my husband - a day early but I won't complain. 
I have been working on a Valentine's collection with heart elements and want to share a sneak peek with you.
Wishing everyone a lovely Valentine's Day with lots of lovely flowers and chocolates.
See you next Thursday !

copyright©Pattern Jots by Maike Thoma

Feb 6, 2014

Boot Camp


I am super excited I signed up for the "Make Art That Sells Assignment Bootcamp" by Lilla Rogers and Beth Kempton. It started on Monday and we have already received our first "Mini Assignment" - drawing cuckoo clocks. I love the subject since there is so much to see on cuckoo clocks, so many little details, shapes, patterns and of course the cuckoo. You could doodle and draw on this topic forever and I intend to. So far I have not had lots of time this week but hopefully I can spend a few more hours on it before we will receive our main assignment next Monday.

I found this one on Ebay but I am a little irritated by the title "Black Forrest Clock Swiss House"...it is a Black Forrest scene ( the Black Forrest is located in Germany ) since the cute little girl is in a traditional costume from the Black Forrest area...oh well, just a detail. This clock was manufactured by Trenkle Uhren GmbH.


And here my first little sketches...really not much yet and I am hoping to get it more into my style...we will see, it is a fun journey.

Clock Faces

I did draw a full cuckoo clock just to get an idea about all details I need to work on separately.

Cuckoo Clock
Ok, back to drawing...fun times ! 

Happy Thursday everyone !