Feb 20, 2014

What Makes Me Happy - EFUTO

A lot of things make me happy especially if it has to do with colours, paper, drawing, art, etc...I decided to make a post about Efutos today. What is an Efuto ? Efuto is the name of a Japanese picture envelope ( E = picture and FUTO = envelope ). Loving snail mail it is a fabulous way to send some love with a handcrafted envelope. Last year I have been part of an Efuto Drive and it has been so much fun making and receiving those letters.
Here you can see some examples I sent around the world to lovely friends.

copyright©Pattern Jots by Maike Thoma 2013

copyright©Pattern Jots by Maike Thoma 2013

copyright©Pattern Jots by Maike Thoma 2013

And I also received two EFUTOs...this one came all the way from Singapore to me.

copyright©Sylvia Tay Design 2013
Efuto from Sylvia Tay Design

And this one came from the UK.

copyright©onneke 2012
Efuto from Onneke

Maybe you feel inspired by this post and you start to make an Efuto as well to send it to a good friend. I can reassure you, the recipient will be very happy to receive a beautiful letter.
If you would like to find out more about Efutos, just google it and there will be lots to see.

Happy Thursday !

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for including Mister Sunny efuto in your post, Maike! And very lucky I was, to be the recipient of yours. :)
